zebra finch

Finches 2 1 710x335 - 19th of September 2014 - Species Spotlight Zebra Finch

19th of September 2014 – Species Spotlight Zebra Finch

This week we focus on one of our smallest inhabitants   Zebra Finch Taeniopygia guttata Commonly held by private avicultursists, Zebra Finches are one of our smallest and most active inhabitants of the park.  They are found throughout most of Australia & also in Indonesia.  Feral populations have established around...

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23rd of May 2014 – Species Spotlight Carmine Bee-Eater

It is cold, ark and wet today so to cheer myself up I'm going to spotlight one of our more colourful and active birds   Carmine Bee-Eater Merops nubicus   We keep the Northern Race of the Carmines, who are native to much of central Africa, with the Southern race...

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