ross goose

12th of December 2012 – Species Spotlight Ross' Goose
As we are rapidly approaching Christmas, I thought I would blog about a winter specialist this week Ross' Goose Chen rossii or Anser rossii Ross' are often misnamed Snow Goose due to their white appearance. They are closely related to Snow Geese but are quite a bit smaller. They...

7th of November 2014 – Species Spotlight Edward's Pheasant
This week we saw more new arrivals into the park, one of them is subject of this weeks spotlight Edward's Pheasant Lophura edwardsi Endemic to the rainforests of Vietnam, the Edward's Pheasant is one of the rarest birds we keep here at Birdland. They are critically endangered and...

6th of June 2014 – Species Spotlight Blue Winged Minla
This weeks spotlight falls on one of our smallest inhabitants Blue Winged Minla Minla cyanouroptera Also known as the Blue Winged Siva, they are native to the Indian sub continent and South East Asia where they inhabit areas of tropical forest. They are part of the babbler family,...

Species Spotlight – East African Crowned Crane
This week we have introduced a pair of our spotlighted species together and what better way to celebrate than to blog about them East African Crowned Crane Balearica regulorum gibbericeps There are 2 subspecies of the Grey Crowned Crane of which we keep the East African version, native to...

13/12/2013 – It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
It’s been a fairly quiet week this week, with not a great deal to report. We have had a bit of a swap around with some of the birds where some of the new birds have finished their period of quarantine. The 7 new Avocets have been moved to...
6/12/2013 – Breezy Birdland
Yesterday was rather a wind swept day to say the least, not as bad as other parts of the country, but still strong enough to cause a few concerns. High winds can sometimes be an issue for us here as those familiar with the park will know that we have...