pink backed pelican

22nd of August 2014 – Species Spotlight Temminck's Tragopan
This week it is a member of the pheasant family to take the spotlight Temminck's Tragopan Tragopan temminckii There are 5 members of the Tragopan and the Temminck's is probbly the most commonly seen in Aviculture. They are found in the forests of South East Asia, ranging from...

15th of August 2014 – Species Spotlight Crowned Plover
This week we are highlighting a species that have bred successfully for us over the years and who hatched 3 chicks earlier this week Crowned Plover Vanellus coronatus Also known as the Crowned Lapwing, they are a member of a subfamily of Lapwing that also includes Masked &...

8th of August, 2014 – Species Spotlight – Red Winged Starling
This week we spotlight Red Winged Starling Onychognathus morio These birds are native to Eastern Africa, where they are found ranging from Ethiopia down to the Cape in South Africa. They are found in a wide range of habitats, from forest to grassland and are also becoming increasingly frequent in...
Species Spotlight – Grey Treepie
This weeks species spotlight falls on our: Grey Treepie Dendrocitta formosae A member of the Crow family, Grey Treepies are found in the wild mostly in China but also in the Himalayan foothills of India and as far east as Taiwan. The alternative name for this species in...
20/12/2013 – Christmas is a coming
It’s now the final countdown to Christmas and although it’s a few days before the big day, we are busy getting ready even now. In the weeks before Christmas it is a case of making sure that we have enough supplies to see us over the festive/New Year period as...
22/11/2013 – Catch the Pelican
Just a quick update this week as we have been very busy, with staff away on holidays and all the extra duties that winter brings. The main drama of the week was that one of our female Pink Backed Pelicans took flight this week. She disappeared between 1 and...