lilac breasted roller

Lilac Breasted Roller 15 1 710x335 - 31st of October 2014 - Species Spotlight Lilac Breasted Roller

31st of October 2014 – Species Spotlight Lilac Breasted Roller

Apologies for the lack of blog last week, very busy with penguin chicks, new humboldts, health and safety & new birds.  One of the new birds is the subject of this weeks blog   Lilac Breasted Roller Coracias caudatus Rollers are a member of the Hornbill family, closely related to...

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blog moulting kook 1 - Week 36 - Finding feathers

Week 36 – Finding feathers

As we move into Autumn it signals the end of the breeding season for many (but not all) of our birds.  With no nests to build, eggs to incubate or hungry chicks to feed many of our birds are now taking the chance to moult.  As you walk around the...

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