golden conure

Egg 1 2014 145 1 320x335 - 13th of September 2014 - Species Spotlight King Penguin Chick

13th of September 2014 – Species Spotlight King Penguin Chick

Apologies for the late bloggage, a combination of difficulty getting on the website, a now mobile baby and the topic of this weeks blog means I ran out of time yesterday!   This week we have been thrilled to announce the hatching of the first King Penguin chick in the...

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Red Winged Starling 2 1 710x335 - 8th of August, 2014 - Species Spotlight - Red Winged Starling

8th of August, 2014 – Species Spotlight – Red Winged Starling

This week we spotlight Red Winged Starling Onychognathus morio These birds are native to Eastern Africa, where they are found ranging from Ethiopia down to the Cape in South Africa.  They are found in a wide range of habitats, from forest to grassland and are also becoming increasingly frequent in...

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Cassowary 25 1 710x335 - 25th of July 2014 - Species Spotlight Double Wattled Cassowary

25th of July 2014 – Species Spotlight Double Wattled Cassowary

This week we need a big spotlight as we feature one of the worlds largest birds (and also most dangerous) Double Wattled Cassowary Casuarius casuarius Also known as the Southern Cassowary, this is one of the worlds biggest birds weighing in at up to 85kg (only the Ostrich is heavier)...

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