fulvous tree duck

Spectacled Owl 4 1 710x335 - 1st of August, 2014 - Species Spotlight - Spectacled Owl

1st of August, 2014 – Species Spotlight – Spectacled Owl

This coming Monday see us celebrate International Owl Awareness Day so it feels only fitting to blog about an Owl species this week   Spectacled Owl Pulsatrix perspicillata Spectacled Owls are a large, nocturnal species of Owl native to much of Central & South America.  The frequent areas of tropical...

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Azure Wing Magpie 10 1 710x335 - 13th of June 2014, Species Spotlight - Azure Wing Magpie

13th of June 2014, Species Spotlight – Azure Wing Magpie

This week we highlight a species who fledged 2 chicks   Azure Wing Magpie Cyanopica cyana   There are 2 distant sub species of the Azure Wing, with one population (the one we keep) found in China, Japan & Korea, and the other located in Spain and Portugal.  They inhabit...

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9th of May, 2014 – Species Spotlight – Greater Flamingo

This week the spotlight falls on one of my personal favourites in the park   Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus   The largest of the 6 species of Flamingo, Greaters are found throughout parts of Africa, as well as breeding in India & Pakistan and Southern Europe (including France, Italy &...

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20/12/2013 – Christmas is a coming

It’s now the final countdown to Christmas and although it’s a few days before the big day, we are busy getting ready even now. In the weeks before Christmas it is a case of making sure that we have enough supplies to see us over the festive/New Year period as...

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