Crowned Plover

21st of November 2014 – Species Spotlight Black Swan
This week we take the chance to look at a species that has recently returned to the park Black Swan Cygnus atratus We recently took delivery of a young pair of Black Swan from WWT Martin Mere having lost our remaining male at the start of the year....

15th of August 2014 – Species Spotlight Crowned Plover
This week we are highlighting a species that have bred successfully for us over the years and who hatched 3 chicks earlier this week Crowned Plover Vanellus coronatus Also known as the Crowned Lapwing, they are a member of a subfamily of Lapwing that also includes Masked &...

18th of July 2014 – Species Spotlight White Stork
Time for this weeks species spotlight and it falls on: White Stork Ciconia ciconia White Storks are widespread, breeding in much of Europe, Northern Africa and parts of the Middle East and overwintering in Southern Africa & the Indian Subcontinent. They are becoming an increasing frequent visitor to...
30th May 2014 – Species Spotlight – Pied Avocet
This week we are celebrating Penguin Week but as I have already blogged about of two species of Penguin that we keep, I am going to write about another Black & White bird that we keep that lives near water Pied Avocet Recurvirostra avosetta A bird that is...
Week 38 – Latest goings on
Just a quick update on the weeks events this week as by the time you read this I will have become a dad! The next couple of blogs will be pre-written and won’t have any weekly news/wildlife sightings but I’ll update that all once I am back. This week...