crowned crane

Species Spotlight – East African Crowned Crane
This week we have introduced a pair of our spotlighted species together and what better way to celebrate than to blog about them East African Crowned Crane Balearica regulorum gibbericeps There are 2 subspecies of the Grey Crowned Crane of which we keep the East African version, native to...

14th of March 2014 – Species Spotlight – Grey Peacock Pheasant
This week we concentrate on one of our first egg layers of the year Grey Peacock Pheasant Polyplectron bicalcaratum Native to South East Asia and parts of India, where they frequent areas of lowland. They are the National bird of Myanmar and numbers are doing OK in the...
20/12/2013 – Christmas is a coming
It’s now the final countdown to Christmas and although it’s a few days before the big day, we are busy getting ready even now. In the weeks before Christmas it is a case of making sure that we have enough supplies to see us over the festive/New Year period as...