cape teal

emu 1 480x335 - 21st of March 2014 - Species Spotlight - Emu

21st of March 2014 – Species Spotlight – Emu

This week the spotlight falls on a new species for Birdland Emu Dromaius novaehollandiae The Emu is the second largest bird in the world after the Ostrich and is a member of the Ratite family, which includes Ostrich, Rhea & Cassowary.  They are native to Australia where they are common...

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31st of December 2013 – Review of the Year

For the last blog of year I thought we would have a look back over the year and review the year that was 2013   January: Cold weather was the theme for January with a couple of dustings of snow, as much as a foot in places. The penguins were...

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