blue pie

Western Plantain eater 11 Small1 1 710x335 - Species Spotlight - 28th February 2014 - Western Grey Plantain Eater

Species Spotlight – 28th February 2014 – Western Grey Plantain Eater

This week we spotlight a bird that we have kept for over a year, but have also had some new arrivals this week   Western Grey Plantain Eater Crinifer piscator A member of the Turaco family, the Western Plantain Eater is native to tropical West Africa, where they inhabit areas...

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Species Spotlight – Grey Treepie

This weeks species spotlight falls on our:   Grey Treepie Dendrocitta formosae   A member of the Crow family, Grey Treepies are found in the wild mostly in China but also in the Himalayan foothills of India and as far east as Taiwan. The alternative name for this species in...

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