black swan
21st of November 2014 – Species Spotlight Black Swan
This week we take the chance to look at a species that has recently returned to the park Black Swan Cygnus atratus We recently took delivery of a young pair of Black Swan from WWT Martin Mere having lost our remaining male at the start of the year....
7th of November 2014 – Species Spotlight Edward's Pheasant
This week we saw more new arrivals into the park, one of them is subject of this weeks spotlight Edward's Pheasant Lophura edwardsi Endemic to the rainforests of Vietnam, the Edward's Pheasant is one of the rarest birds we keep here at Birdland. They are critically endangered and...
Week 25 – Hand Rearing Update
We continue on from last weeks blog on hand rearing. All the chicks are doing well, with the Military Macaw chick now tipping the scales at 110 grams (having hatched at 25). As the chick is getting bigger it is getting less feeds per day but larger quantities are given...
Week 24 – Chick Chick, Hooray
It's been a good week this week as several of the eggs that the birds and ourselves were incubating have hatched. This means that the staff are busy hand rearing and bags can be seen under eyes! The first of the eggs to hatch since the last blog was...