30th May 2014 – Species Spotlight – Pied Avocet
This week we are celebrating Penguin Week but as I have already blogged about of two species of Penguin that we keep, I am going to write about another Black & White bird that we keep that lives near water Pied Avocet Recurvirostra avosetta A bird that is...
23rd of May 2014 – Species Spotlight Carmine Bee-Eater
It is cold, ark and wet today so to cheer myself up I'm going to spotlight one of our more colourful and active birds Carmine Bee-Eater Merops nubicus We keep the Northern Race of the Carmines, who are native to much of central Africa, with the Southern race...

Species Spotlight – 28th February 2014 – Western Grey Plantain Eater
This week we spotlight a bird that we have kept for over a year, but have also had some new arrivals this week Western Grey Plantain Eater Crinifer piscator A member of the Turaco family, the Western Plantain Eater is native to tropical West Africa, where they inhabit areas...

13/12/2013 – It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
It’s been a fairly quiet week this week, with not a great deal to report. We have had a bit of a swap around with some of the birds where some of the new birds have finished their period of quarantine. The 7 new Avocets have been moved to...
6/12/2013 – Breezy Birdland
Yesterday was rather a wind swept day to say the least, not as bad as other parts of the country, but still strong enough to cause a few concerns. High winds can sometimes be an issue for us here as those familiar with the park will know that we have...