Eggs-traordinary Bird Facts This Easter At Birdland

Egg chicks at Birdland Park & Gardens

Join us for a whole host of egg-citing Easter events and activities taking place at Birdland throughout the holidays (Friday, April 6th – Sunday, April 28th).

As well as Easter trails, quizzes and daily egg-themed talks and shows, we’ll also be expecting some egg-stra special new arrivals in their hatchery!

Dozens of eggs in special incubators are due to hatch out over the Easter break and visitors will have the rare opportunity of watching the new-born chicks make their way into the world.

We’ve spoken to Birdland’s Head Keeper, Alistair Keen, and he’s compiled his most egg-straordinary egg facts:

  1. Burrowing owls lay their eggs underground in tunnels they have excavated.
  2. Flamingos build their nests on mud cones up to a foot high to protect their single egg from flooding.
  3. Female pheasants lay up to eight eggs in a scrape on the floor; they use their dull plumage as camouflage.
  4. Pigeons build a flimsy nest on a platform of twigs and lay two eggs.
  5. Parrots will find empty tree holes to nest.
  6. Cassowary eggs weigh more than 500 grammes and are among the largest in the world after ostrich and emu eggs.
  7. In contrast the female trumpeter hornbill, seals herself into her nest using mud and saliva, only leaving a narrow gap through which the male can feed her for up to three months as she incubates, hatches and rears the chicks.

Visit us over the Easter holiday to learn more about our residents hatching out from our keepers, as well as their individual mischievous personalities’ and feeding habits.

Remember to keep up with our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and Latest News page for all of the upcoming events and news about new residents.

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