Cuckoo for Christmas!

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Discover exciting experiences and interactive gifts ideas at Birdland this Christmas. Click on the headers to buy a Christmas gift voucher.
Feed the Penguins
This is a very special and memorable experience which delights everyone who takes part. The penguins are fed every day at 2.30pm. Help to feed the colony of King Penguins and parcel of Humboldts that inhabit Penguin Shore. Learn all about the two species of penguin, help to feed and enjoy a close encounter with the comical characters.
King penguins enjoy a diet of Herring and the Humboldts are fed Sprats. Both have additional vitamin and mineral supplements in the form of tablets placed inside the fish to help keep them healthy and happy. 
Keeper for a Day
Join the Birdland Team as a Keeper for a Day. This is a unique experience for individuals over 14 years old.
The day enables you to help with the work of a bird keeper. This could entail anything from preparing the birds special dietary requirements to building an aviary. Shadowing a keeper for the seven hour shift means you’ll see the day to day care which goes into looking after our 500 birds from their health checks, cleaning out aviaries and providing food.
There could also be some special contact with new birds or seeing first-hand the hatching in the incubator, catching birds for ringing or veterinary inspection. Every day has something different, so nothing can be guaranteed except enjoyment and hopefully a little educational insight.
Adopt a Bird
Why not adopt a bird from Birdland this Christmas? Not only will you be supporting a feathered friend for the year, you’ll also receive a history of the bird and annual updates. Expect a picture and certificate of your adopted bird, as the adopter there will be reference to you at various points around the Park and if the bird doesn’t have a name – you can name it!
Visit All Year for Free
Buy a Birdland membership and as season ticket holders you’ll have unlimited entry to the Park for plenty of feathered fun. The season ticket entitles the holder to unlimited entry to Birdland for one person for one year from the date of purchase.

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