Species Spotlight – 19th of December 2014 Robin

For our final species spotlight of the year I thought we'd be a little different and have a look at one of our wild birds, who has also come to symbolise Christmas   Robin Erithacus rubecula Not to be confused with the American Robin, our European Robin is a common...

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Ross Snow 1 640x335 - 12th of December 2012 - Species Spotlight Ross' Goose

12th of December 2012 – Species Spotlight Ross' Goose

As we are rapidly approaching Christmas, I thought I would blog about a winter specialist this week   Ross' Goose Chen rossii or Anser rossii Ross' are often misnamed Snow Goose due to their white appearance.  They are closely related to Snow Geese but are quite a bit smaller.  They...

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Bali Mynah 1 640x335 - 5th December 2014 - Species Spotlight Bali Myna

5th December 2014 – Species Spotlight Bali Myna

This week saw more new arrivals so I’m going to take the chance to blog about one of them   Bali Myna Leucopsar rothschildi     The Bali Myna is one of our rarest inhabitants, having been down to less than 20 wild birds on a couple of occasions. Also...

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Violaceous Touraco 7 1 710x335 - 28th of November 2014 - Species Spotlight Violaceous Turaco

28th of November 2014 – Species Spotlight Violaceous Turaco

This week we had yet more new arrivals so I'm going to take the opportunity to spotlight one of them   Violaceous Turaco Musophaga violacea Also known as the Violet Turaco or Violet Plantain Eater, they are one of 24 different species of Turaco.  They are unusual in the family...

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black swan cygnets 1 545x335 - 21st of November 2014 - Species Spotlight Black Swan

21st of November 2014 – Species Spotlight Black Swan

This week we take the chance to look at a species that has recently returned to the park   Black Swan Cygnus atratus   We recently took delivery of a young pair of Black Swan from WWT Martin Mere having lost our remaining male at the start of the year....

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Masked Plover 12 1 710x335 - 14th of November 2014 - Species Spotlight Masked Plover

14th of November 2014 – Species Spotlight Masked Plover

A short blog this week as I have had the week off   Whilst I have been away we have seen the arrival of this weeks spotlight subject   Masked Plover Vanellus miles Also known as the Masked Lapwing and Spur Winged Plover, they are native to Australia & New...

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Edwards Pheasant 3 640x335 - 7th of November 2014 - Species Spotlight Edward's Pheasant

7th of November 2014 – Species Spotlight Edward's Pheasant

This week we saw more new arrivals into the park, one of them is subject of this weeks spotlight   Edward's Pheasant Lophura edwardsi   Endemic to the rainforests of Vietnam, the Edward's Pheasant is one of the rarest birds we keep here at Birdland.  They are critically endangered and...

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Lilac Breasted Roller 15 1 710x335 - 31st of October 2014 - Species Spotlight Lilac Breasted Roller

31st of October 2014 – Species Spotlight Lilac Breasted Roller

Apologies for the lack of blog last week, very busy with penguin chicks, new humboldts, health and safety & new birds.  One of the new birds is the subject of this weeks blog   Lilac Breasted Roller Coracias caudatus Rollers are a member of the Hornbill family, closely related to...

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IMG 8137 1 710x335 - 17th of October 2014 - Species Spotlight King Penguin Chick 2

17th of October 2014 – Species Spotlight King Penguin Chick 2

This week we have been thrilled to announce the arrival of a second King Penguin chick and I thought I would take the chance this week to blog about him/her   Chick number hatched on the 29th of September.  This was egg number 5 and the second from Frank &...

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Tawny Frogmouth 13 1 640x335 - 10th of October 2014 Species Spotlight - Tawny Frogmouth

10th of October 2014 Species Spotlight – Tawny Frogmouth

This week we look at one of the more unusual looking members of the park Tawny Frogmouth Podargus strigoides Tawny Frogmouths are found throughout Australia, including Tasmania.  They are closely related to the Nightjar, found here in the UK.  There are 3 species of Frogmouth and the Tawny is Near...

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