Encounters Area

You can get hands-on and up close to the residents here at Birdland Park and Gardens in the Encounters Area.
Meet the Keeper
Daily Meet the Keeper talks will take place here at 12:15 pm daily, so be sure to catch them. From becoming a perch for a parrot to a climbing frame for a snake there are lots of creatures waiting to be met. Our expert keepers will be on hand to give informative talks on some of the animals within the Encounters Area. They will also be answering any impossible questions that we know youngsters will certainly have!
In this outdoor area of Birdland, in Bourton-on-the-Water, you’ll have the chance to meet owls and other birds of prey. Plus exotic parrots and of course the humble, but intelligent, chickens.
Youngsters can even get in the pen with the African Spurred Tortoises here at Birdland Park and Gardens. These gentle giants are calm and slow, meaning children can gain an understanding of how different animals travel and move at different paces.
Our keeper Tom said, ‘It’s just the best ways for people of all ages to get used to animals, through getting hands on and interacting with the animals, that you may not be able to otherwise.
If you’d like a more hands-on experience you can take part in one of the experiences here at Birdland. Choose from Feeding our Penguins to becoming a Keeper for a Day. There are lots of ways to get involved and get a peek of behind the scenes!